Monday, July 31, 2006

MORE Interior Pictures!!

Since I know you can never really have too many of these...

You can see that there are a ton of wires inside - I don't know how some people maintain such neatly wired cabinets. The speakers and subwoofer were the main culprits - there is a power cord, two cords to the individual speakers and a cord for the volume control unit (which you can see just sitting in the coin box - I haven't decided where to mount it yet). I just ended up bunching the wires with ties - I guess I could have cut the wires to the proper length and reattach them with some electrical tape but that seemed like a lot of unnecessary work.

The power supply wires to the fans were also hard to keep neat and I also have an extra wire running from the underside of the third CP to the motherboard (the twisted black and green wire) for the power button to the computer. One press turns everything on and another press powers everything off. I really like this feature - it makes it easy for just about anyone to operate (assuming you know where the button is hidden!).

I will be posting more miscellaneous pictures a bit later. Thanks for looking!

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