Thursday, August 17, 2006


I'm so excited!! Earlier this week I finished mounting the monitor and I was able to attach the hinge and fire up the cabinet for the first time!! I don't have any good pictures but here's one of the thing all closed up with a game running. The flash on my camera combined with the dust on the glass tabletop really ruined the picture. When I get a few better pictures I will definitely post them.

I played a few games of Ms. Pac-man, Mr. Do! and Galaga and it felt great. I even squeaked out a 75,000 Ms. Pac-man score on my first game without really concentrating so the controls are working well. I still have a TON of software tweaking and game management to work on but if I wanted to I could have the thing playable for a party or something in a few hours of work. There are still a bunch of things I have to do until I call this project "complete" (and start the next one!). Here's the punchlist of outstanding items...

Cabinet construction:
1. Drill holes in base and install leg levelers
2. Drill hole for speaker volume controls
3. Splice speaker controls and thread through hole
4. Mount volume control underneath long CP with velcro
5. Wire coin door switches to ipac
6. Set coin door to accept tokens
7. Wire coin door LEDs to power supply
8. Wire plexiglass LEDs to powersupply
9. [Figure out how to remove CPs]
10. Seal any gaps in CPs
11. Seal any gaps between bezel and monitor
12. Install glass clips to hold glass in place
13. Install t-molding around CP3
14. Glue grommit for power supply plug in place

1. Print artwork to scale on vinyl at
2. Apply artwork to tabletop

To Buy:
1. Plexiglass for CP1 and CP2 lighting
2. LEDs for CP1 and CP2 lighting and coin door lights
3. Admin button labels

Computer Set-Up
1. Install and configure Front End [MaLa]
2. Manage game list
3. Hide Windows operation as much as possible upon boot up and power down

1 comment:

Ida, Otto, Carina & Kent said...

Very, very nice work. Always glad to see homemade cabs that looks like "the real thing" rather than MAME cabs (which is always an ugly aesthetic choice).
Anyway, keep it up, you're good at it! :-)