Totally Boring Update:
OK. I've decided to go with a piece of 3/16" smoked glass for the monitor (it will sit on top of the bezel in the groove already cut to accept the bezel and hopefully be flush with the tabletop) and a piece of 1/8" clear tempered glass for the table top. I really want smoked glass over the monitor but I'm afraid if I use it for the entire top I will not be able to see the artwork. I've been told that old atari cocktail tables used to be set up this way. I really hope it works!
I just got back from the local glass shop and priced everything out - $150 for everything. It's expensive as hell but, get this, the tempering process for the top is $100 of the cost! I went with 1/8" because that is all the glass clips could accept (1/4" was too thick). The guy at the shop recommended tempering it because of the thinness of the piece and I kind of agree because tempering makes it 5 times stronger. Basically I just don't want someone to accidentally drop a bottle of beer or something on it and then end up in the emergency room.
I'm not sure when the glass will be ready to pick up but it doesn't really matter because I still need the artwork to completely finish the table top.
Tomorrow I'm going to be wiring the entire thing up! I'm excited because it should be somewhat playable by the end of the day!!! Then I will never get anything more done ever because I will be playing Ms. Pac-man nonstop. Oh well...