Monday, August 29, 2005

I am going to be posting more pictures soon showing off the t-molding and staining of the cabinet. It is coming along nicely. One bit of news is that I've finally decided on a name for my creation:

Knights of the Arcade Table

The idea I have pictured in my head is a Star Wars theme. I would like a drawing of several Jedis (Knights, get it?) for the top of the cabinet around the monitor with their lightsabers drawn. I'm a huge geek but I don't think naming the thing and giving it a Star Wars theme makes me any more of a geek than building my own arcade machine does in the first place. It's like I've maxed out my geekiness or something. I'm reaching out to a very talented artist (who shall remain nameless until he agrees to do it) to draw the artwork. Hopefully he will accept the job!!

More to come....

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